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Patch Management

Streamline Software Updates: Efficiently Manage and Secure Your Third-Party Applications.

Simplify Application Patching for Enhanced Security

Keeping your third-party applications up to date is crucial for maintaining a secure and reliable IT environment. Patching these applications helps protect against vulnerabilities, exploits, and potential cyber threats. With our Patch Management solution for MEM/SCCM/Intune, you can streamline the process of deploying patches and updates for all your third-party applications. Ensure your software is always up to date, minimize security risks, and enhance the overall stability of your systems.

Centralised Management and Automation

Our Patch Management solution provides centralised management and automation capabilities for deploying patches across your entire infrastructure. It eliminates the need for manual intervention by automating the patching process, ensuring consistent and timely updates. You can efficiently manage and monitor the status of patches, schedule deployments, and receive comprehensive reports on patching activities. Simplify your patch management workflow and improve operational efficiency.

Vulnerability Assessments and Prioritisation

Our solution includes vulnerability assessment features that scan your environment to identify potential security weaknesses in third-party applications. It helps you prioritize patches based on the criticality of vulnerabilities, ensuring that high-risk applications are promptly updated. By focusing on the most significant security threats first, you can effectively allocate your resources and minimize the window of opportunity for potential attacks.

Testing and Rollback Capabilities

We understand the importance of testing patches before deploying them to production environments. Our Patch Management solution offers testing capabilities, allowing you to validate patches in controlled test environments, ensuring compatibility and minimizing the risk of disruptions. In case of any unforeseen issues, our solution also provides rollback capabilities, enabling you to revert to previous application versions quickly and maintain system stability.

Reporting and Compliance

Our Patch Management solution offers comprehensive reporting features that provide visibility into the status of patches across your entire infrastructure. You can generate detailed reports on patch deployments, compliance levels, and vulnerability assessments, helping you demonstrate compliance with security standards and regulatory requirements. Gain insights into your patching activities, track progress, and ensure a robust security posture.

Integrated with MEM/SCCM/Intune

Our Patch Management solution seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM), System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), and Microsoft Intune. You can leverage your existing infrastructure and workflows to efficiently manage both Microsoft and third-party application updates. Benefit from a unified and centralized approach to patch management, simplifying administration and reducing complexity.

Streamline your patch management process with our comprehensive solution, ensuring the security, stability, and compliance of your third-party applications. Protect your systems from vulnerabilities and stay one step ahead of potential threats while minimizing the impact on your IT operations.

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